s Pest Library - Spider

Argentine Ants

Argentine Ants

Argentine Ants

Facts, Identification & Control

Latin Name

Linepithema humile


What do they look like?

argentine ant illustration

  • Color: Argentine ants range from light to dark brown
  • Size: Theymeasure about 2.2 to 2.8 mm long.
  • Head: Their antennae have 12 segments.

How Did I Get Argentine Ants?

Argentine ants are an invasive species known for displacing native ants. They are also one of the most troublesome home-infesting pests. Moist areas, like mulch, under debris on the ground, under piles of refuse and home foundations, attract Argentine ants. When the weather cools in fall, the pests may use gaps and cracks around the house to take shelter.

How Serious Are Argentine Ants?

Because Argentine ant nests support multiple queens, these pests breed rapidly and create huge colonies that can number into the hundreds of thousand of workers. Drawn to decay and waste, the insects spread bacteria wherever they go. Argentine ants feed by transferring food from mouth to mouth, making baits more effective than aerosol or liquid insecticides.

Argentine ants kill other insects and invade human dwellings. Over time, the network of interconnecting colonies could become a massive infestation. Each colony of Argentine ants can contain millions of insects and multiple queens. These colonies can populate entire city blocks. Argentine ant infestations are best left to a professional pest control operator to identify and treat.

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you may have. We’ll always be happy to assist.